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ETF statement

The parameters you provided correspond to the exchange traded funds shown below, also known as ETF. If the entered parameter does not match any ETF, the list will remain empty. You can enter a newly-selected parameter under this text while the name of the ETF can be entered in the Ticker - if you know it. The prompts may help you with the search.

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ETF nametickertypeissuer
Industrial Select Sector SPDR FundXLIEquityState Street Global Advisors
INDXX Brazil Infrastructure Index FundBRXXEquityEmerging Global Advisors
INDXX China Infrastructure Index FundCHXX*EquityEmerging Global Advisors
INDXX India Infrastructure Index FundINXX*EquityEmerging Global Advisors
IQ ARB Global Resources ETFGRES*HedgeIndexIQ
IQ ARB Merger Arbitrage ETFMNAHedgeIndexIQ
IQ Australia Small Cap ETFKROO*EquityIndexIQ
IQ Canada Small Cap ETFCNDA*EquityIndexIQ
IQ CPI Inflation Hedged ETFCPI*HedgeIndexIQ
IQ Hedge Macro Tracker ETFMCRO*Hedge/NeutralIndexIQ
IQ Hedge Multi-Strategy Tracker ETFQAIHedge/NeutralIndexIQ
IQ South Korea Small Cap ETFSKOR*EquityIndexIQ
IQ Taiwan Small Cap ETFTWONEquityIndexIQ
iShares Barclays Agency Bond FundAGZBondiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Cohen & Steers Realty MajorICFEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares COMEX Gold TrustIAU*CommoditiesiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Diversified Alternatives TrustALT*Multi-assetiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones EPAC Select Dividend Index FundIDVEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend Index FundDVYEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones Transportation Average Index FundIYTEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Aerospace & Defense Index FundITAEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Broker-Dealers Index FundIAIEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Healthcare Providers Index FundIHFEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Home Construction Index FundITBEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Insurance Index FundIAKEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Medical Devices Index FundIHIEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Oil Equipment IndexIEZEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Oil & Gas Ex IndexIEOEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Pharmaceuticals Index FundIHEEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares Dow Jones US Regional Banks Index FundIATEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
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