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ETF statement

The parameters you provided correspond to the exchange traded funds shown below, also known as ETF. If the entered parameter does not match any ETF, the list will remain empty. You can enter a newly-selected parameter under this text while the name of the ETF can be entered in the Ticker - if you know it. The prompts may help you with the search.

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ETF nametickertypeissuer
iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Materials Sector Index FundAXMTEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Telecommunications Services Sector Index FundAXTEEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Utilities Sector Index FundAXUT*EquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI ACWI Index FundACWIEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan Index FundAAXJEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI All Peru Capped Index FundEPUEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Australia Index FundEWAEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Austria Index FundEWOEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Belgium Index FundEWKEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI BRIC Index FundBKFEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Canada Index FundEWCEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI EAFE Growth Index FundEFGEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI EAFE Index FundEFAEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI EAFE Small Cap Index FundSCZEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI EAFE Value Index FundEFVEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Emerging MarketsEEMEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Eastern Europe Index FundESREquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI EMU Index FundEZUEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI France Index FundEWQEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Germany Index FundEWGEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index FundEWHEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Chile Index FundECHEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Indonesia Investable Market Index FundEIDOEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Ireland Capped Investable Market Index FundEIRLEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Israel Capped Investable Market Index FundEISEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Italy Index FundEWIEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Japan Index FundEWJEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Japan Small Cap Index FundSCJEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Kokusai Index FundTOK*EquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
iShares MSCI Malaysia Index FundEWMEquityiShares, Inc./Barclay's Global Investors
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