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Introduction > Banking Services > Banking Identity

Banking Identity

Fio Banking Identity (Bank iD) allows you to handle official matters online using your Internetbanking login details. There is no need to go to branches or offices, no need to remember additional login details. You only use what you already have and know. Now for communication with companies as well.

How to use your Banking Identity

You use the service to log in and verify your identity on portals of the state administration, regions, cities and municipalities. Simply choose to log in via Citizen Identity > Bank Identity (Bank iD), select Fio banka and enter the same details as for internet banking. You will then be verified via SMS or Smartbanking (push notification) and then redirected to the desired page.

Increasingly, the private sector (currently over 150 companies) is also offering more and more options, where you simply select the Bank iD option. You can log in to client portals and verify your identity or sign documents online.

Citizen Portal

  • Apply for an extract from the insolvency register.
  • Get an extract from the Population Register.
  • Obtain an extract from the Criminal Records Bureau.
  • Set up or change a business and obtain a trade register extract.
  • Set up a limited liability company (under Go online to the office > Add a service).
  • View the real estate cadastre.
  • Set up a Data Box or simply log into it.
  • Create or sign an ePetition.

Transport portal

  • Apply for a new driving licence or its replacement.
  • View a driver's driving record (the number of penalty points) and offence details.
  • View information on vehicles owned or operated.
  • Access to Vehicle Register data, purchase and management of electronic vignettes, toll portal or taxi driver vehicle verification.
  • Process the agenda for shipping and aviation as well.

MY taxes

  • Fill in and submit your personal income tax return, real estate tax or value added tax.
  • Check the status of your tax account.

ePortal of the Social Insurance Institution

  • Find out when you will be entitled to a pension and how much it will be.
  • Report your income and expenses as a self-employed person.
  • Get information on pension contributions paid by self-employed workers.

Portal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Labour Agency

  • Apply for parental allowance, child allowance, one-off child allowance (jenda.mpsv.cz), housing allowance or solidarity allowance for households to accommodate refugees from Ukraine.
  • Apply for job placement or unemployment benefits.

State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic

  • Submission and administration of applications in the subsidy programmes of the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic. The receipt of applications for subsidies in the New Green Savings programme ends on 30 June, the next wave starts on 1 September 2023.

eRecept application

  • View a list of issued and unissued medicines.
  • View the detail of a specific ePrescription or eVoucher.
  • Use these services for your children as well.

City and town portals

  • Handle local fees and issues, such as those offered by the Portál Pražana (parking, municipal waste, etc.).


  • You can log in to the client portal of one of the participating health insurance companies or make the change online. Or contact your doctor at any time. See the list of options.

Trade and services

  • Simply verify your identity in client zones and e-shops and make online arrangements, such as insurance or changing your phone or electricity tariff. Check if you own shares from the coupon privatisation (CDCP listing). Register for the library and borrow books online. Shop at self-service outlets or rent a car at any time. And much more.

You can see a complete list of options HERE.

The most common questions about Fio Banking Identity are answered in our FAQ.

Is it safe?

Every login via Banking Identity requires your subsequent authorization via SMS or push notification. Since your login credentials are even more important with Banking Identity, you really need to not share them with anyone and protect them carefully. We therefore recommend you to re-remind yourself of ten safety principles. You also need to protect your mobile devices and only use apps from a verified source.

100% confidentiality

Banking Identity is used to prove identity. No data will ever be shared with a third party without your consent, i.e. the state or anyone else will not see, for example, your account balance or movements. Similarly, Fio banka does not have access to any information displayed or services you use after using your Fio Banking Identity.

You are in full control - the information we record about you and which you have agreed to use within Bank iD can be found in Internet Banking in the top right hand corner under Settings > Personal data. There you can check and optionally edit them at any time.

Fio Banking identity has currently been launched for all customers for whom it was possible. In your Internetbanking, you will find the Banking Identity tab in Settings where you can check its status.

In order for us to successfully activate your Fio Banking Identity, you must have a valid ID registered with us, which you can send us via your Internetbanking if necessary. So-called non-electronically readable zone documents (also known as paper documents) can also be used. After that, it is sufficient that we have verified you at least once in the past at a branch (or via courier).
  • If the service is inactive and you wish to activate it, please contact us via Fio Service.
  • In case you are not interested in the Banking Identity, you can suspend or cancel it completely on the above-mentioned Internetbanking tab.

Important documents and terms and conditions

This website complies with Act No. 99/2019 on accessibility of websites and mobile applications.


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