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Introduction > Banking Services > Payments > Czech Payments

Czech Payments

All incoming payments in CZK from other banks in the Czech republic are free. Also electronic debits entered in Internetbanking or Smartbanking.

If you pay to other account at Fio banka, or you receive payment from other Fio banka´s account, these payments are free. Above that, these payments are credited instantly after sending them, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including weekends and feast days.

At Fio banka you have free and unlimited:

  • All incoming payments within the Czech republic
  • Electronic debits to other banks in the Czech republic
  • Direct debit and SIPO payments
  • Settlement of standing orders
  • Set up, change and cancellation of standing orders / direct debit and SIPO electronically for free.

At Fio, in addition to account management with a card and Internetbanking for free, you also receive free transactions between the Czech and Slovak Republics and low Euro payments.

How to open a Fio account?

The contract can be concluded at your nearest Fio banka branch, where you will sign the necessary documents and deposit a minimum of CZK 100 on the account (can be a non-cash transfer from another bank). One form of identification is needed to sign the contract.

  • More information here.
  • Residents (physical people) can request an account online.

Fio banka offers AUD, CAD, DKK, EUR, GBP, HRK, HUF, CHF, JPY, NOK, PLN, RUB, SEK and USD denominated current accounts. Learn more about foreign currency payments for low prices here.


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