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Introduction > Banking Services > Payments > Czech - Slovak Payments

Czech-Slovak Payments

Do you do business in Slovakia or are you a student who occasionally receives pocket money via a non-cash transfer from a Slovak bank? Fio banka lets you send and receive funds without any fees!

These payments are sent easily, quickly and free of charge.

  • Credits in EUR from Slovakia - free
  • Debits in EUR to Slovakia - free
  • Standing orders on EUR account - free
  • Direct debit payment in EUR - free
  • Payment in EUR from Slovakia sent on EUR account - without conversion
  • Payment in EUR from Slovakia sent on CZK account - with conversion  

TIP: All payments within Fio banka accounts in the Czech republic and Slovakia are in all 15 currencies executed online and without any fees.


How to make CR-SR payment?


  • In your Internetbanking choose "Make a payment - Payment to SK", in Smartbanking "Příkaz k úhradě - Převod Eurozóna".
  • Fill in the amount, choose payment type and date, IBAN, BIC code/ SWIFT.
  • In case of standard payment in EUR to Slovak account is payment free.


  • Give your account number to counterparty in IBAN, BIC code/SWIFT "FIOBCZPPXXX" format and information about account holder (name, address).
  • Inform your conterparty to send payment in EUR as SEPA payment, not as Foreign currency payment.
  • You can find your account number in IBAN format in Internetbanking in "Account information" section. In Smartbanking in "Accounts" section, where at first display transactions overview and then click on "Account details".

More information about what IBAN and BIC/SWIFT is.


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