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U.S. Stocks

The capital market in the USA is considered to be the most important global indicator. Stock exchanges in other countries continue to monitor the developments in the USA and are fundamentally affected by changes on the US markets. American stock exchanges have the highest liquidity and feature the stocks of the most important companies; they also have the largest number of investors and create new investment opportunities continuously. Currently a number of changes are on going on the US markets including the merging of markets and trading system innovations.

Stock prices on American markets can be found and monitored in overview tables and graphs at www.akcie.cz.

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

NYSE, the New York Stock Exchange, is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the world. In terms of market capitalization of quoted issues, it is the world's largest stock exchange (in 2013, the value of all listed companies amounted to 16 billion USD).

The effort of investors, issuers and the US government to establish an official securities market was completed on May 17, 1792, when 24 securities brokers were gathered under a mighty platter on Wall Street, a place where securities were proven to be traded already in 1725 And signed an agreement to establish uniform rules for the purchase and sale of corporate bonds and bonds. This agreement began to be called the Buttonwood Agreement.

However, the Buttonwood or Platinum participants subsequently developed the first stock exchange regulations and adopted common trading rules published on March 8, 1817. They leased the 40th Wall Street building for their purpose, and their emerging organization was named the New York Stock & Exchange Board.

In 1863, the original name was shortened to the New York Stock Exchange. The NYSE abbreviation is used globally for the New York Stock Exchange.

Since 1868, NYSE membership has been held as a valuable asset. Being a member was possible only by purchasing one of the existing seats, which was only 1366.

The merger of NYSE with the already-publicly-traded joint stock company Archipelago, which operated an electronic stock exchange, created a new company called NYSE Group, Inc. All chairs have been converted into shares that are now traded on the NYSE under the NYX symbol.

NYSE is currently part of the NYSE Euronext international exchange group, which was established in 2007 by the NYSE Group and the Euronext European Stock Exchange. In 2008, the NYSE Euronext, the world's largest and most liquid exchange group, won the historic American Stock Exchange (Amex). The American Stock Exchange has been the leading Emergency Exchange for over two centuries before NYSE took over its leading role after the Second World War.

Within the NYSE Euronext Exchange, there are the following markets in the US:

  • NYSE
  • NYSE MKT- the leading US equity market for small and medium-sized emerging companies. Rules NYSE MKT.
  • NYSE Arca - ETF trading market. NYSE Arca rules.
  • NYSE Alternext

Currently, more than 3000 shares are traded on the NYSE. Alphabetical list of NYSE shares.

Ecommerce purchase or sale itself is very easy. Buy 100 shares of Coca-Cola or Johnson & Johnson will not take more than 30 seconds. Submitting and canceling the unsuccessful purchase or sale order is free of charge. Anytime you can adjust your offer or demand without paying any fee. Fees are charged only when the purchase or sale order is actually satisfied.

In addition to the rules of the various stock groups, the other rules for trading on the American markets of FINRA and Securities Commission (SEC).

NASDAQ Exchange

Trading rules, smart instructions, technical conditions and more information can be found here.

In addition to Exchange Rules, the other rules for trading on US markets FINRA and Securities Commission (SEC).

Structure of fees in the USA

Thanks to the heavy competition between the individual stock exchanges and brokerages that are active in the USA, securities trading fees are very reasonable. Fees for completing trades in the USA depend on where the investor places its electronic order, either using an online application (the best) or over the telephone or in person at a Fio banka branch.

Fio provides on-line access to the American NYSE Euronext (NYSE NYSE Amex, NYSE Liff), NASDAQ, OTC BB and Pink Sheet stock exchanges.

Fees in the US are derived from:

  • The way an order is placed
  • The volume of the trade
  • Fees for the supervisory body
  • Explicit ECN selection
  • You can find the complete Pricelist for services here


SEC (Security Exchange Commission) and NASD (Trading Activity Fee) fees are charged for sales of securities and their amount depends on the volume of the trade (exact amount can be found "in the attached Pricelist for basic services", Point (C), Securities in the USA).

The ECN (Electronic Communication Network) fee is charged when an investor explicitly selects the ECN on which its order is explicitly directed (exact amount can be found "Pricelist for basic services" Point (C) Securities markets in the USA).

Example fee calculation

Below you can find examples of securities trading fees on the off-exchange market OTC (Over-The-Counter), and regulated markets in the United States.

Other specifics of the American market include the fact that a symbolic fee is used when selling shares to finance operations of the SEC (the market regulator in the USA) and NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers).

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