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Fio mortgage

Are you looking for a larger flat or family home, or are you looking for an improvement, to invest in the future for your children or to finally get out and live by yourself? There are many reasons to take advantage of a Fio mortgage. Convince yourself of all the things we can help you with.

Do you need to finance the purchase of or improve your housing? Calculate how much you can borrow and how much a Fio mortgage will cost!

A Fio mortgage is a standard mortgage for physical persons over 18 who are citizens of the Czech Republic or foreigners with temporary residency (EEA residents) or permanent residency in the Czech Republic for more than 1 year (others). Residential real estate in the Czech Republic can be financed using a Fio mortgage.

Why a Fio mortgage?

  • No fees for loan origination, current and loan account administration, reserving funds or for drawing funds.
  • Discount of 0,4 % applies to refinancing mortgages up to 70 % loan-to-value with incident free customer´s credit history
  • You also can select additional services with a mortgage including free early payments or the Mortgage Savings Account.
  • You can check current interest rates here.
  • Available at more than 80 branches across the Czech Republic.

Reduce your interest to 0% and pay less each month

Do you have savings of at least CZK 50,000? Let them reduce your interest and thus monthly mortgage payments. Your money is available at any time, and you can save money every month.

Deposit your free funds (minimum CZK 50,000) on the Hyposavings account, which is completely free, and we will not charge you any interest on the principal amount corresponding to your current Hyposavings account balance.

If your balance on the Hyposavings account is equal to the principal of the mortgage for the whole period of its repayment your interest rate will be 0% per annum and you will only repay the principal. Thus, you will not pay any charges at all. Your savings will still be available and you can freely dispose of them, even withdraw all the balance any time.

Rate type Rate fixed for 5 years
Mortgage amount from 1 mil. CZK to 1 mil. CZK
Refinancing 4,18 % 4,28 %
Purchase 4,28 % 4,38 %
Other 4,58 % 4,68 %

Guaranteed rates are valid for loans up to 80% of the value of the property and assuming all conditions for discounts are fulfilled. Rates with less than 5 year fixation can be found out throug our Mortgage calculator.


Mortgage calculator


Drawing funds

A loan is drawn on the basis of a request to enter a lien. The standard loan drawdown period is limited to 6 months. This period is extended to 2 years for mortgages used for construction, additions and other construction changes. Loan drawdown can be one-off or continuous.

A client can request a mortgage to finance construction "without invoices" up to 20% of the agreed mortgage amount, capped at CZK 300,000.


A regular mortgage is repaid via monthly annuity installments directly debited from a Fio banka current account free of charge. Installments are fixed for the duration of the fixed interest term.

Annuity installments include loan interest and the annuity (e.g. the principal on the loan). The client pays the first annuity installment on the 15th day of the month following the month in which the agreed loan drawdown is completed.

If a client selects the Early Payment service with his or her mortgage, an early payment up to 100 % of the agreed loan amount may be repaid early without any fees; such early payment can also be completed outside of dates when fixed interest rates change. This service is completely free.

Another mortgage service is the Mortgage Savings Account, which allows you to earn greater returns on your available funds used to repay your mortgage. Do you have extra funds that you want to have available at any time you need them? Look no farther than the Mortgage Savings Account. If the account balance is higher than CZK 50,000 no interest will be charged on the outstanding principal of the mortgage up to the balance of the Mortgage Savings Account. Service origination costs are included in the interest rate calculation for the mortgage.


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